
Artiste of the month on Kimbi blog

Cameroonians believe so much in what we think about you as an artiste because we’re one of the biggest music blogs in Cameroon.

With over four years of experience in the music industry and working on big projects to build this strong brand, Imagine we announce you as our artiste of the month with all the trust Cameroonians have in us 😱, they’ll easily receive your content and consume it with confidence.

This is what you’ll benefit as Kimbi blog Artiste of the Month.

We carefully selected some special and exclusive packages which can be found only on Kimbi blog for you as our artiste of the month that will help you achieve your dream of becoming a star in Cameroon.

NB: Click on the name of any package mentioned bow if you want to know More.

1) Video of the week

2) Pop up advert for 2days/week for a month.

3) Three social media posts every week for a month

4) Facebook live interview page.

5) Free Consultancy from our experienced staff.

6) Your song will feature on our end of month mixtape.

7)Get included in two top Boomplay playlists

Afrobeats 237 playlist on Boomplay by Kimbiblog ( STREAM HERE )
Top 30 hits Cameroon playlist on Boomplay by Kimbiblog ( STREAM HERE )

With this package, you’ll be able to gather Fans on social media, streams on Boomplay and YouTube.

This is a chance for you to achieve your dreams! Give this package a trial

Price : 250k/ Month.

Interested in this package?


📞: +237 671283217
✉️: [email protected]
+237 671283217 ( click here)